Provisional Awards

Desert Valley Orchid Society Show, Phoenix, AZ, April 1, 2017

Phalaenopsis Phoenix Canary ‘Super Nova’ AM/AOS 80 pts.
© Eric Goo 2017
Plant Name: Phalaenopsis Phoenix Canary ‘Super Nova’ AM/AOS 80 pts.
Parentage: (Phal. Yungho Gelb Canary x Phal. Penang Girl)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 5.4 cm Vertical: 5.7 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.3 cm Length: 2.8 cm
Petal Width: 2.3 cm Length: 3.3 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.2 cm Length: 2.5 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 1.1 cm Length: 1.9 cm

Description: Five flowers and one bud on two erect 6.0-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals butter yellow, white halo basally, dorsal sepal heavily overlaid brown-red proximally, lateral sepal inferior halves fuchsia, superior half heavily overlaid brown-red proximally, petals overlaid brown-red proximally centrally blotched pale brown-red; lip white, side lobes dark yellow, callus pink, white medially; column white; substance firm; texture finely crystalline.
Exhibitor: Eric Goo & Phoenix Orchids